Open source apps, functions, scripts etc. that I’ve made or built upon.
Open Source
- aws-billing-alerts
- A simple Lambda function that sends SNS alerts when your current month's bill changes. Docker, Lambda, Node.js, SNS, Travis CI, Yarn
- cloudfront-security-headers
- A quick Lambda@Edge function to add security headers to AWS CloudFront responses. CloudFront, Lambda@Edge, Node.js, Travis CI
- cloudwatch-to-papertrail
- Lambda to send logs from AWS CloudWatch to Papertrail. Modified version of the original by Apiary Inc. CloudWatch, Docker, Lambda, Node.js, npm, Papertrail, Travis CI, Yarn
- codebuild-docker-node
- An unofficial Dockerfile for CodeBuild combining official Docker (in Docker) and Node environments. CodeBuild, Docker, Node.js, Shell, Ubuntu
- codebuild-trigger
- A simple AWS Lambda function designed to trigger CodeBuild on pushes to CodeCommit. CodeBuild, CodeCommit, Lambda, Make, PyPi, Python, Travis CI
- coffee-shop-message
- A little AWS Lambda function I've got hooked up to a Flic button at our fave coffee shop. API Gateway, Docker, Flic, Lambda, Node.js, Terraform, Travis CI, Yarn
- docker-apache-phpX
- Dockerfiles for running (almost) every minor version of PHP, with Apache. Apache, Docker, PHP, Travis CI, Ubuntu
- docker-to-slack
- Convert Docker Hub webhooks into Slack messages. Docker, Heroku, Ruby, Sinatra, Slack
- dotfiles
- My dotfiles. Includes public keys. Use for whatever you like! Issues welcome. apt, Bash, Cloud9, Git, GPG, Homebrew, pip, RubyGems, Vim, Yarn, yum, zsh
- ec2-instance-stop-start
- Manages start and stop schedules to save costs on EC2 instances. API Gateway, CloudWatch, EC2, Lambda, Make, PyPi, Python, Travis CI
- eslint-config-tdmalone
- My personal ESLint config. Based mainly on @chromatix/eslint-config-chromatix but with some of my own changes. ESLint, JavaScript, npm, Travis CI, Yarn
- lambda-proxy-response
- Helper module for sending responses back to the AWS API Gateway from Lambda proxy invocations. API Gateway, Lambda, Node.js, npm, Travis CI, Yarn
- proximity-events-webhook-parser
- An unofficial AWS Lambda/API Gateway function for parsing and queuing webhook events sent by the Proximity Events iPhone app. API Gateway, Docker, Lambda, Node.js, npm, Proximity Events, Travis CI, Yarn
- ptphp
- A simple PHP interface to parse status of Melbourne train lines and post updates to Slack. Also provides next 5 services to leave from any trains, tram or bus stop. PHP, Slack
- security-group-ip-poker
- A simple Lambda function to 'poke' a hole in an AWS security group for temporary access from an authorised IP. API Gateway, Docker, EC2, Lambda, Node.js, Travis CI, Yarn
- sftp-to-papertrail
- An AWS Lambda function that retrieves log files via SFTP, checks for new entries, and sends them to Papertrail. Uses S3 for maintaining state. Jest, Lambda, Node.js, npm, Papertrail, S3, Travis CI, Yarn
- simple-body-parser
- Parses input in either application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-types, returning it as an object. Node.js, npm, Travis CI, Yarn
- slackemon
- Inspired by Pokémon Go, now you can catch and battle Pokémon with your teammates on Slack! Appveyor, Codacy, Codecov, Composer, Docker, Heroku, nginx, PHP, PHPUnit, PostgreSQL, Slack, Travis CI
- sns-to-slack
- AWS Lambda function to send SNS notifications to a Slack channel. Docker, Jest, Lambda, Node.js, npm, Slack, SNS, Travis CI, Yarn
- statuspage-to-slack
- Convert Atlassian webhooks into Slack messages. Heroku, Ruby, Sinatra, Slack
- theme-check-tdmalone
- The original Theme Check plugin, but modified to include an exclusions feature. PHP, WordPress
- timfrastructure
- Holds IaC data (mostly Terraform) for my cloud infrastructure. Ansible, AWS, Packer, Terraform, Travis CI
- tm-id-au
- Custom, lean WordPress theme for the static site. CloudFront, EC2, ESLint, JavaScript, PHP, S3, Sass, Shell, Stylelint, Travis CI, Webpack, WordPress, Yarn
- travis-logs-to-papertrail
- A Lambda function that sends your Travis CI build logs to Papertrail for easy aggregation, search and alerts. API Gateway, Docker, Lambda, Node.js, Papertrail, Travis CI, Yarn
- working-plusplus
- Like, but one that actually works, because you can host it yourself ;) ESLint, Express, Heroku, Jest, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Slack, Travis CI